Restaurant Kotiloto is a unique place characterized with authentic taste of Serbian cuisine and perfect service. Situated in Sofia, the restaurant offers delicious specialties made by original recipes from the home of Serbian grill – Leskovac. The traditional dishes are personally prepared by Chef Dalibor Marinkovich – Daci who won golden medal in Skariada 2009 festival. Every dish is made with care and leaves unforgettable memory of homemade food.
Additional options: | Summer garder/terrace, TV, Baby chair, Parking, Good for Birthdays, Good for Groups and Executive Chef |
Means of payment: | Cash, VISA, VISA Electron, V Pay, MasterCard, Maestro and Borica |
Restaurant has: | Wi-Fi, Summer garden, Parking |
Open hours: | 12:00 - 24:00 |
1. The time of your reservation is the time of your arrival at the restaurant. Your table would be reserved for you for not more than 15 minutes from the start of your reservation. If you are late for your reservation, the restaurant has the right to cancel it or not apply the discount or the offer if your reservations is accompanied by one.
2. Let the restaurant staff that welcomes you at the time of your arrival at the restaurant know that you have a reservation on your name made with
3. When asking for your bill, should your reservation be accompanied by a discount or an offer, show the staff that service you one of the confirmations of your reservation that we have presented you with after your successful reservation - the SMS, the e-mail or the printed reservation confirmation.
4. If the reservation is accompanied by a discount or an offer, it cannot be combined with other discounts, promotions, offers, as well as promotional, special and lunch menus and is only valid for consumption in the restaurant.
5. At the time of your reservation there need to be present more than half of the people you have made the reservation for. As well, the final number of people that are at the restaurant for your reservation should not exceed the initial number of people you have noted. In such cases, the restaurant has the right to cancel your reservation or not apply the discount or the offer if your reservation is accompanied by one.
6. The location of the reserved table depends on the part of the restaurant you've selected to be seated in and the current availability. You have the right to change the reserved table with another one in the part of the restaurant you've selected to be seated in that is available at the time of your reservation and is not reserved by other guests of the restaurant for a later time.
7. Making reservations with is absolutely free. The mentioned amount of average bill aims to give you a perspective of the prices in the menu of the restaurant only. It is not a minimum amount that you need to spend to use the discount or the offer accompanying your reservation.
8. You can cancel or make changes to your reservation up to fifteen minutes before its start. If you've made your reservation as a registered user, access the "My reservations" section in your profile and click on the corresponding button next to your reservation. If you've made your reservation without a registration, in the confirmation e-mail we send you, there is a link to the reservation from where you can cancel or make changes to it.
We will hold Your table for 15 minutes
Don't remember your password?
Please, fill in your e-mail you have registered with and we would send you a confirmation message about your pasword change.
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Изберете своето местоположение на картата като кликнете върху него или използвайте местоположението, което Вашето устройство посочи.
Храната е страхотна. Всичко, което поръчахме беше вкусно. А боба беше най-вкусния, който съм опитвал.
Вкусна храна и добро обслужване
Приятна обстановка, професионално обслужване, огромни порции изключително вкусна храна!
Answer formБлагодарим Ви за обратната връзка! Мнението Ви е от изключителна важност за нас!
Много любимо място! Най-вкусното телешко в София…и много любезен персонал!
Уникално вкусна и автентична храна. Уютна атмосфера. Сервитьорите са изключително любезни и помагат в избора на клиентите. Препоръчвам!
Резервацията през Резо беше отчетена и ни настаниха дори с 10мин. по-рано на маса. Самото заведение: Пушеха вайпове вътре и имаше димна завеса. Тоалетната на втория етаж е като обградена и следена от сервитьорите. Малко е неприятно да влизаш в нея и да имаш чувството, че ти броят минутите в нея. Конкретно нашия сервитьор беше намусен чичо на който си личеше, че изобщо не му се работи днес. Въпреки това оставихме бакшиш. Може пък следващия път да е в добро настроение... Кухнята като цяло беше вкусна с добри порции, но се бяхме омирисали на манджа, Бихме посетили отново, само за да проверим дали сервитьорът ще ни се усмихне...някога.
Вкусна храна и отлично обслужване.
Въпреки, че резервацията ни беше за градината, бяхме настанени вътре. Храната не е лоша, без да е нещо запомнящо се. Няма да повторим.